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Essential Strategy Agile Goal Array

To complement the Essential Strategy Blueprint and create a mechanism for capturing, defining and measuring goals, we developed the Agile Goal Array. The Goal Array illustrates the connection of all goals to the achievement of Vision and ensures that the priorities identified to support the Purpose, Growth & Survival principles flow through from planning to execution.


Echoing the value-add elements of a 2x2 chart and the balanced scorecard methods, we created a multi-faceted tool that incorporates the Essential Strategy Foundation, and highlights the attribute we are looking to achieve with each goal.


For instance, aligning Cores (core competencies / internal proficiencies) for Growth & Purpose should result in greater agility; aligning Capabilities for Purpose and Survival should result in greater resilience.

The Array also illustrates that Resources & Cores goals are internally focused whereas Capabilities and Industry/Market goals will reflect an external focus. We have control over and drive our Resource, Cores and Capabilities to serve our customers, but must always recognize that Industry/Market exerts an opposite force, pushing back into our overall model, driving adaptation and change.

Explore the model

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